As September unfolds, we want to update you on our mass tapings. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to record at Loretto Abbey Chapel due to ongoing construction. However, we are hopeful for a return later this fall.

We are grateful to Father Henk van Meijel for generously allowing us to use te chapel at the Manresa Jesuit Spiritual Renewal Centre in Pickering. This beautiful location serves as a peaceful setting for our Daily TV Mass celebrations.

Setting up for our mass tapings is no small task; it generally takes our dedicated crew about three days to prepare the equipment and ensure everything runs smoothly. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this project—our committed staff, directors, musicians, camera operators, and our beloved sacristan, Sonny. Your hard work allows us to continue sharing these masses with our community!

During September, we reflect on the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

Our Prayer of the Faithful this month is as follows:

We offer our prayers this month to our Blessed Mother, who, through her seven sorrows, shares in our pain and suffering. Through her intercession, we pray for the sick and those who care for them, that both may find their faith and hope renewed and deepened. We pray to the Lord.

We kindly ask that you continue to pray with us for all members of our Daily TV Mass community.