The Loretto Abbey Chapel in Toronto has been the home of the Daily TV Mass for the past 6 years. The National Catholic Broadcasting Council leases the chapel from the Toronto Catholic District School Board who bought the property from the Loretto Sisters in March 2011.
The Abbey building has a long and historic history. In May 1928, the cornerstone was blessed and in September 1928, the impressive Tudor Gothic building of cut stone, opened its doors to more than 100 boarders and as many day students. In the late 1950s the beautiful Loretto Abbey Chapel was built.
While older and historic buildings like Loretto Abbey may stand strong for many years the infrastructure does not last forever. After more than 50 years in service the boilers that provide heat to the school and the Chapel are being replaced in a project that will be spread over the next two summers.
This renovation is being funded by the School Board and it has meant the Daily TV Mass needed to find a new home for the months of August and September.
The Jesuit community at the Manresa Spiritual Centre in Pickering Ontario welcomed the Daily TV Mass to the Ignatius Chapel which will be our home for the next several weeks.
Click here for a behind the scenes look at the preparations and care that go into making the Daily TV Mass available to faithful Catholics around the world.