Thanks to our wonderful music director, Angelo Oddi we have a new song we are now using during Sunday Masses called Blessed Are You – a hymn of Offertory. Hope you enjoy it!

Listen HERE

Blessed Are You

Lord, we offer this humble gift of bread,
harvest of your amber fields
from which our hearts are fed.

Lord, we offer this humble gift of wine,
risen from the fertile soil
of your fruitful vine.

Chorus: Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God of all creation.
Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God, forever.

Lord, we offer the labour of our hands,
molding the gracious gifts
we gathered from your land.

Chorus: Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God of all creation.
Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God, forever.
Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God of all creation.
Blessed are you,
Blessed are you,
Lord God, forever.
© 2023 Sequence Music, Toronto, Canada